030 – Live with Ex-Theist Malik Lendell

A discussion on theism and religion with Ex-Theist Malik Lendell

YouTube version of this podcast: https://youtu.be/gJ0hKU5n6II


0:00 Introductions
1:20 Rene’s background as a deist and how he became an atheist.
5:20 The importance of YouTube videos and other online content criticizing religion. Rene and Lilith’s podcast – why they started it and the kind of content they produce.
7:49 Did Rene find any downside to leaving religion and becoming an atheist.
10:50 The experience machine (thought experiment). How Rene felt about realizing the harsh realities of life and that there is no heaven or hell?
14:12 Rene’s experience chatting with Muslims online -Muslims Basing their argument on axiomatic assumptions. Pressupositionalist approach taken by Muslims. The Quran claims that contradictions are not from God.
21:30 Are critics of Islam taking the same presuppositionalism positions by saying Muhammad is not a true prophet?
24:10 Generic fallacy – Can we trust ex-Muslims and atheists to help us understand true Islam? Exploring things outside of our normal circle in order to improve our perspective.
27:44 Can you get the true meaning of Islam by using English translations only and not the Arabic versions of the Quran?
28:50 Has Rene ever read the Quran? Which translation? Which one is the best English translation of the Quran?
32:10 The ambiguity problems of the Quran. How oral translations led to variants in the Quran.
34:28 What would make for a convincing miracle to Abdullah and Rene? Fake prophets – the nation of Islam, Joseph Smith.
38:12 Is it true that slaves who accepted Islam were set free? Muhammad owned slaves and even engaged in sex with female slaves – The apologetics that Muslims use to justify Muhammad’s actions.
42:20 Content on evolution – Intermediate fossil that supports evolution. Channels with better content on evolution.
43:03 Hadith about consent. The triple talaq problem and women not being granted such opportunities.
45:40 Are there parallels between Islamic slavery and slavery in Christianity.
48:13 Rene’s perspective on whether Islam can be reformed.
51:10 Do many people stick to Islam/religion because of cultural connections and not a clear understanding of the source materials?
53:00 Should we convert someone who is holding religion as a source of hope in times of difficulties?
57:38 Channel announcements
59:25 Rene’s experience with Muslims in German. By and large, are Muslims positively contributing to German society?
1:04:35 Strawmaning Islam. Trolls. Incident when Abdullah was “debunked”. Shifting positions when presented with better information and evidence.
1:12:45 Will Muslims acknowledge if someone objectively disproves Islam?
1:14:00 Final remarks

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